Directions to Maris Grove, Glen Mills, PA
We meet in the Classroom in the Brinton Clubhouse in the Maris Grove retirement community, 100 Maris Grove Way, Glen Mills, PA 19342For a larger version of the above map, click here.
To find us on U.S. Route 1 in Concordville, PA, look for the traffic light at Evergreen Drive that will take you into the Concordville Town Centre. Brinton Lake Shopping Center will be across the highway. Turn into Concordville Town Centre (Terrain garden center is located on that corner) and stay in the right lane on Evergreen Drive. At the stop sign, turn right into Maris Grove Way.
Upon entering the Maris Grove property, you will come to a guard station. Tell the attendant you will be attending the Photo DIGIT meeting, then proceed through the gate.
Turn left into the parking lot of the first building on your left, being careful not to park in spaces reserved for residents. If no Visitor spaces are available in the front parking lot, there is additional parking in the rear.
The Brinton building is adjacent to the parking lot. When you enter the building, tell the receptionist at the desk that you will be attending the photography group meeting in the Classroom/Music room.
You will then be directed to the nearby stairs or elevator to the second floor.
If taking the stairs, turn sharp right when you reach the top (actually, a U-turn), go a short distance down the hallway, and enter the first door into the Classroom/Music Room.
If you’d rather take the elevator, you’ll find it across from the receptionist’s desk. Go up to the second floor, walk forward and to the left of the stairway, where you’ll find the Classroom/Music Room on your immediate right.