Kaffee Klatsch Meetings
An interesting mixture of information to fill in knowledge gaps.Meetings
Many of our DIGITS members have an intermediate or advanced knowledge of photo enhancing. All of us, however, have something in photography where we have incomplete information. The diverse mixture of topics covered the second Wednesday of each month helps to fill in those knowledge gaps. These popular sessions introduce or refresh skills on how to use Lightroom and Photoshop in a particular way. We also may show and discuss still photos and videos, with the intent of introducing or reinforcing particular information that can be very helpful in our photographic endeavors. Below is a list of topics that we will cover at these meetings. We will pick and choose between these categories based upon our photographic experiences and the input that we receive from the participants. We will encourage everyone to do presentations, regardless of the level of a person’s experience. Presentations should cover techniques or information that he/she uses, and thinks that other members will find this information to be helpful. We believe that the best way for a person to fully learn a technique is to do a presentation of that technique to the group.
Here is a list of topics:
1. Questions from the group.
2. Tips or tricks that are a favorite of one of the participants.
3. Enhancing images submitted by participants, using techniques that he/she prefers.
4. Show how he/she developed an image or created a video – either a development phase or from beginning to end.
5. Show other techniques that he/she would have used to develop that same image
6. Particular Lightroom, Photoshop, or other software techniques, including third party filters such as Nik, Topaz, or Oleneo,
7. Other topics as requested by participants
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about our Koffee Klatch meetings, or want to give a presentation, please contact the Kaffee Klatsch Coordinator.
How to submit your images
Click here to go to a tutorial that tells How to Submit Images to DIGITS using pCloud. Page one contains links and instructions on uploading files to Digits. Please use the correct upload link for your images, in this case “Homework”.
Pages two and three have a procedure “How to Resize and Rename files”.
It is important to read all three pages and follow the procedures.
Submit your images no later than noon on the day of the meeting.