DIGITS Friendly Competitions
Highest vote-getters in our bi-monthly competitionThank you for visiting the Friendly Competition section of our site. We hope that you enjoy looking at the images and that the give you some idea of the kind of images that the people in our group are capable of producing. Click on this link to see the highest vote getting images in our bi-monthly competition.
If you would like to contact an artist with questions or comments about an image, or if you would like information about purchasing an image, click here to go to a page that explains how to contact the artist.
If you are thinking about using any of the images that are displayed on this site for any purpose other than your viewing pleasure, click here to read about the restrictions on such use.
DIGITS Friendly Competitions
As the name indicates, these will be “competitions”. But they will be unlike the competitions that other clubs hold. There will not be any “losers”. There will only be “winners”. The judges will be those in attendance. There will be NO biased outside judges. All “votes” will be confidential. The names of the photographers/artists who created the highest vote getting images will not be disclosed. However, the images will be posted on our website.
How to submit your images
Click here to go to a tutorial that tells How to Submit Images to DIGITS using pCloud. Page one contains links and instructions on uploading files to Digits. Please use the correct upload link for your images, in this case “Homework”.
Pages two and three have a procedure “How to Resize and Rename files”.
It is important to read all pages and follow the procedures.
Submit your images no later than noon on the day of the meeting.